Nehemiah Blog: March 19, 2024

Hello Highlands Members!

At the member meeting this past Sunday, the elders gave an update on what is happening with the Nehemiah Project. Here are some updates:

  • The elders have done some market research and are ready to begin initial negotiations with the property owner in May.
  • We have spoken to the township about some (very) preliminary ideas about building on the property and the feedback was very positive.
  • It is becoming more likely that the plan will be to build a new building on the property instead of renovating this current building. This is due to renovation costs vs building new,  and the time that the current building would be unavailable for use during construction.
  • The project is loosely structured in three phases over the next few years, each phase will require fund-raising as needed/agreed upon by Elders and Finance Team:
    • Phase 1: Property – Secure property and finalize building plan
    • Phase 2: New Building – Construction of new building
    • Phase 3: Current Building – Purchase current building to use as future additional ministry space (youth, discipleship, gym, etc.)

Ways to pray:

  • Pray for wisdom from the Holy Spirit
  • Pray for unity in all things – for God’s glory as we seek to make and mature disciples of Jesus Christ
  • Pray for the upcoming negotiations with the property owner
  • Pray for God’s will to be done in all things!

As always, if you have any questions, please see me or any elder.

Pastor Mike for the Elders