Yup. It’s Official.
After 11 months of negotiations and a year and a half after we first started pre-launch, Highlands Bible Church has a new home. We are blown away by God’s massive, undeserved grace. So many things have fallen into place, it’s impossible not to see His leading in this. Just like Pastor Ryan jokingly said to me the other day – “I just wish God would give us a sign?!” Indeed, signs have abounded. He is on the move.
So, why are we so excited for this? A few reasons…one very practical.
- We actually were losing our current meeting space. Yes, you read that correctly. We recently found out that due to the Vernon school district restructuring, we would lose access to the CMS gym, where we were currently meeting when school ended this year and it was unclear when and if we could get it back. This came as a total shock to us, and it was a bigger shock when we realized that God had everything already under control. Praise Him for His provision!
- Permanent 24/7 meeting space. It’s hard to overestimate the value of this. The new building will provide for us space for counseling, ABF, small groups, Bible studies, and youth groups and events. As great as the CMS gym has been, we can’t do any of those in there.
- Centralized location and significant community presence. This building is right on the main drag of Vernon. By taking over this building and “setting up shop” we will have lots of community attention. We will have great opportunities to shine the light of the gospel in Vernon and beyond.
There is much work to be done – so here are some highlights of what we hope to accomplish.
- Sanctuary Renovations. The carpet has certainly seen better days. Lots of sun damage, many big stains and lots of wear and tear. New carpet is in order. We also purchased chairs (same ones as GP, just different color) to fit more people, we will add some decorative wood to the walls, some paint, and build up the stage. Oh yeah…we’ll also have to install all of our AV equipment.
- Lobby Renovations. The new carpet will flow into the lobby from the sanctuary (through some really sweet old barn doors…) and we will create a welcoming environment for our guests. Coffee will be here, as well as our Kingdom Kids check in, and a welcome center.
- Kingdom Kids Downstairs. The church has a very large “fellowship hall” area that will host our Kingdom Kids. We’ll increase to 3 classes and also carve out a little fellowship/additional meeting space down there, right off of the commercial kitchen. New carpet will need to be installed here too as it’s a musty basement that once housed the Hiker Hostel. We are also installing an air purification/circulation system that will keep fresh healthy air coming in.
In the future, we are looking to restart the Hiker Hostel ministry in another building on the campus and use an additional building for use by My Brothers Place. All in due time. The first priority is to get a place to meet for Sunday worship up and running.
So, how can you help? First, pray. Pray specifically for God to be glorified through the proclamation of the gospel at Highlands in Vernon. He has promised to establish his church and the gates of Hell will not stand against it. The church is bigger than any building. Second, give. We still have some capital expense needs, and if you are led and able, please consider giving to the Highlands Capital Fund. Third, tell. Spread the word to family and friends in the Vernon area. Share on Facebook and Twitter. Fourth, rejoice with us. Come visit us and see what He has done! Praise God for the work he is doing at Green Pond and Highlands in making and maturing disciples of Jesus. Let’s pray that it continues and multiples for His glory!