HBC Blog

Christmas Mysteries

With Christmastime comes the familiar traditions of good friends, food, gifts, and sometimes surprises. It’s a challenge sometimes to keep the surprises a mystery. I’m usually guilty of trying to figure out what presents I got and my wife likes to respond – “Don’t ask so many questions before Christmas.”

Jesus, the Church and Transmogrification

It’d be pretty hard to find someone who would disagree that the world is constantly changing, and not necessarily for the better.   “Things aren’t what they used to be, I’ll tell you that!” is a familiar cry among some. So why do we continue to do church the same

Not Only With Words…

Which is more important – words or actions? The old saying “action speaks louder than words” come to mind? How about the gospel itself…I mean you can do all the good deeds in the world, but the gospel is a message…so at some point you will have to speak. So

Overcoming Barriers in Evangelism

If you are like me…evangelism at one time, and perhaps still does, strikes fear deep into your heart, turning your blood cold, and dramatically affecting your ability to form complete sentences without your voice cracking, or remember anything that was ever written in the Bible. Ever. Sharing such personal beliefs is