Tell us about your family…spouse, kids, pets?
I have a son who is 32 years on this earth, and my mother is 83 years on this earth. God, by His grace, has me blessed with a single life right now, and at the moment, no pets. By God’s grace, we shall see if those things change as life is ever-changing.
What is your title or role at HBC?
Member & Deacon of Benevolence and Member Care
Give a brief description of what you are responsible for…
My first responsibility is to my Lord God to love Him with all I have and do.
I am further called to love my neighbor (all people) in such a way that it would please God.
These may seem obvious; however, this is of utmost importance in benevolence. To receive people in need with the presupposition of helping in any way we are able. Pray diligently for each person applying for benevolence and even when the case is closed. To collaborate with the Deacon of Finance and the Elder Treasurer to have clear communication with these people in need and as a team to consider all ways of helping with the Lord God involved in each case by putting our petitions before Him.
What do you love most about what you do at HBC?
Knowing I can somehow be of use to God on this earth for His glory and growing in relationship with God and His people is an area of great satisfaction.
What is your favorite Bible verse, and why?
This verse speaks to me in ever-growing maturity, more sanctified, more loving in action, and knowing it’s not about me, but to God.
Philippians 1:9-11 (ESV)
(9) And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment,
(10) so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ,
(11) filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.
How long have you been attending HBC?
December 2017 I started attending and never looked back.
What 3 things do you do for fun outside of HBC?
I love fixing my house up, including plumbing, electricity, and woodwork, and the satisfaction of good decisions made during my project. From saving money through eBay to settling on a color to designing something new and unique.
I love getting together with my brothers and sisters in Christ. The conversations of theology, speculation of eternal life, hearing how God works in His body of believers. To see a person who seems a potential friend and pursue that relationship intentionally.
There is a certain satisfaction in meeting the challenges of life, strategizing projects to completion, and growing in knowledge through reading and other sources. Attacking the status quo and always analyzing myself to become better in many different ways.